lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Lecturas vacacioneras

Enero me encontro en Pilar, pero gracias a mis libros viaje a Turquia, Armenia, Grecia, Francia, 
Alemania, Israel Estados Unidos.

Te merecés que te la dé, vos más que nadie. 
¿Y eso que tiene que ver?, ¿merecer es garantía de algo? 
Tenés razón.

ONE BY ONE all the old words we had taught them began to disappear from their heads. They forgot the names of the flowers in Japanese. They forgot the names of the colors. They forgot the names of the fox god and the thunder god and the god of poverty, whom we could never escape. No matter how long we live in this country they’ll never let us buy land. They forgot the name of the water goddess, Mizu Gami, who protected our rivers and streams and insisted that we keep our wells clean. They forgot the words for snow-light and bell cricket and fleeing in the night. They forgot what to say at the altar to our dead ancestors, who watched over us night and day. They forgot how to count. They forgot how to pray. They spent their days now living in the new language, whose twenty-six letters still eluded us even though we had been in America for years. All I learned was the letter x so I could sign my name at the bank. They pronounced their l’s and r’s with ease. And even when we sent them to the Buddhist church on Saturdays to study Japanese they did not learn a thing. The only reason my children go is to get out of working in the store. But whenever we heard them talking out loud in their sleep the words that came out of their mouths came out-we were sure of it-in Japanese.

Nuestra memoria es nuestra coherencia, nuestra razón, 
nuestra acción, nuestro sentimiento, Sin ella no somos nada.

Grief was a space nothing could satisfy, a hole no word could plug.

¡No te creerás que sos la única que sueña! 
Yo, sin ir más lejos, me paso las noches soñando con el comedor de nuestra casa y con todos los parientes muertos. 
Uno tiene que acostumbrarse: se duerme con una multitud.

«Si haces lo que siempre has hecho, 
recibirás lo que siempre has recibido.»

La generosidad es un regalo que uno se hace a sí mismo. 
No hay nada mejor para sentirse bien.

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